Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fire Alarm

It is 8:48 p.m and i just a call from the fire station next to the school and i have to go in and check a trouble signal they received from our alarm system. So while I am waiting on Trey to get home from ACC ( Alabama Cheerleading Center) so I can go check it out, I will write a little. Trey practices with his competition squad on Wednesday and Sunday and he instructs little ones on Monday ,Tuesday & Thursday in tumbling classes. Then on the weekends he's off to a competition. This weekend is Jamfest in Mobile. He doesnt get paid a lot of money from ACC but he gets to compete and train for free. If he gets a scholarship it will be worth it.I will try and post some video so you can see exactly what it is he does. Donna is about to leave for work, this is her last night.PTL. I have joked before about Donna's transformation from the eve before her last night till the next morning ,I'm not really joking ,maybe just exaggerating . I can't say that I blame her I don't know what kind of mood I would be in after working 7 nights in a row.Mom- Don says yes we are coming Thursday night to eat breakfast.( I know this is dangerous posting a feeding time on a blog that the Youngbloods read.) I think I hear Trey rumbling through the kitchen so I am taking off to work. Dad stop with the labels you are up to 29,this is ridicilous. K.I.S.S.

I'm out-jy

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Prescription Cough Medicine & Ribeye Steak

I just finished eating a ribeye steak and I am retiring to the bed early to watch t.v. I don't really have a lot on my mind to write about but I am going to try and post something everyday. My father told me i need to. I'm not sure why.Me and Donna have been sick all weekend. I discovered her prescription cough medicine,she had to hide it because I loved it so much.As you probably know Trey has been on a competitve cheerleading squad for the last year in hopes to gain a scholarship. He has 3 college tryouts in April. ( University of Alabama,Shelton State & Wallace State) Be praying for him that he does well in all of his tryouts.

I'm out-jy

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Jesus was a winner!!!

Sam had a basketball game today at Tannehill Valley Baptist Church. We won by the score of 39 to 12. That put's our record at 5-2 with one game remaining. Sam had a great game.I'm not sure how many points he scored but he was the leading scorer.Some of their fans were unhappy with the lopsided score. I guess they wanted my team to quit when they got ahead. My theory is if you don't like getting so many points scored against you then get a better defense. I love the fact that upward basketball goes out of it's way to encourage sportsmanship and guarantees each kid equal playing time. I love the fact that you get to share the gospel with each kid during the course of the season.I hate the fact you are made to feel guilty because your team excels . It smells of political correctness, which I despise. There is nothing wrong with compeeting and there is nothing wrong with winning. Jesus was a winner.

I'm out-jy

Friday, February 20, 2009

Snot Rockets

Today my youngest son is serving an in school detention. Tuesday I got a call from the principal while I was at work. While trying to control her laughter she explained to me that Sam had blown a snot rocket while at the lunch table. His teacher offered to buy the little girls sitting by him a lunch but they mysteriously lost their appetite. I have to take credit for teaching my son this technique, although I have never done this indoors. My mother chastised me because I did not explain to Sam that you don't do this indoors. I did explain to him that he did not have to go to such great lengths if he wanted the food on a little girls plate next to him. I always just stuck my finger in their food and asked "you dont want that do you?"I am sure that you women who are out there reading this will tell me how gross I am but I would rather blow snot rockets while working outside by myself than blow into a handkerchef all day and cram it back into my pocket. What nimrod came up with that concept? I was impressed with the pricipal because she was aware of the snot rocket terminology and even used it in the description of the events. Well I hope you ate before you read this story.

I'm out-jy
No animals were harmed during the making of this story.

frisbee golf,dog parks,doorbells& parking for little leauge

These are just a few of the things ( among hundreds) that our federal goverment is spending our tax dollars on in an effort to stimulate our economy. To put in perspective how much money the goverment is planning on spending,if you went back in time to Jesus birth and spent a million dollars a day every day until now you still would not have spent as much money as the federal goverment is spending in one fail swoop.How is installing doorbells at a federal housing project in Mississippi or building a frisbee golf course or a dog park going to stimulate our economy. Or how about building parking lots for little leauge baseball fields in Puerto Rico, that' right I said Puerto Rico. I was'nt the best student in high school but I'm pretty confident that Puerto Rico is not a state. Why are we stimulating their economy. The best thing our goverment could do to stimulate our economy is do nothing, and let the free market economy rectify itself.If you would like to learn more about how our federal goverment is wasting your money go to stimuluswatch.org, you will be bumfuzzled.
On a lighter note thanks for the lunch yesterday Mom & Dad,Ginny & Debbie- I'm not really sure who paid for mine but thanks.

I'm out-jy